2009年6月13日 星期六

Pizza Napoletana (Pain a l'Ancienne method for dough)

Wanting to finish off the bit of flour left, 230 gm is used. Pain a l'Ancienne recipe for the dough, with 70% hydration, instead of 80. Icy cold water is used, and dough is retarded in the fridge for 24+ hours. Dough is quite wet, and can't be tossed at all. Made 2 pizza. Try 100 gm each next time to make a thinner crust. Cooked tomato paste, clams, herb and 2 cheese are used (mozzarella and gouda mild). Preheat oven to as hot as it goes at 250 deg C and bake for 5 min, turn around 180 deg, and bake for another 5 to 10 min. Taste excellent.

bread flour .......... 100
salt .......... 2%
instant yeast ......... 0.7%
icy cold water ......... 80% in original recipe, but I use 70% (also used 75% which works very well)

2009年6月1日 星期一


Tasted best of the 3 batches. Fermentation was exceedingly long. Poolish prepared 2pm on Saturday passed it peak on Sunday morning 8am ! Dough was retared for a couple of hours before final proofing as I had to go out for yoga class. But it ended up a very tasty bread, of all I made so far.
recipe, adapted from Joe Pastry

bread flour ............ 225 gm
starter or poolish ............... 225 gm
yeast ............... 1/8 tsp
salt ............... 1 tsp
olive oil ............... 28 gm
honey .................... 1/2 tb sp
water ............... 96 gm

70% hydration; preheated oven to 250 deg C; lowered to 220 deg C, baked for 10 min; turned the baking tray 180 deg, lowered to 180 deg C, and baked for another 10 min