2018年9月20日 星期四

奶皇月餅 / 紅豆沙月餅


-  6隻咸蛋黃,蒸熟, 襯熱壓爛
-  加一半份量椰奶, 即60gm, 用 hand blender 打溶, 過西

80g 牛油,後加
108g 糖
37g 低筋粉
37g 吉士粉
37g 奶粉
37g 椰子粉
28g 練奶
80g 蛋黄 (約4隻)
70g 蛋白 (約2隻)
15g 淡奶
120g 椰奶

-  液體類加入咸蛋醬混和
-  粉類混好放一邊, 最後全加入液體類
-  牛油溶液加入, 用 hand blender 混好
-  整盤拿去蒸40分鐘左右
-  取出, 搓混, 包好
-  奶皇做好份量共 740 gm
-  味道不錯, 帶點點椰子香味

55gm :  15gm = 70gm perfect size


220g 低筋粉
20g 吉士粉
2 只蛋黄
120g 牛油,室温
60g 糖粉(icing sugar)
20g 忌廉 或花奶

480gm 皮枓, 15gm 一個

200 度5分鐘, 取出, 輕輕掃蛋液一次, 180度5分鐘, 共 10分鐘

This recipe is just perfect in taste, and texture, with a subtle taste of coconut as I used coconut shredds not powder.  Next time I will try with a one-tale mode.


Chinese syrup 60gm -----> try down to 50gm next
Peanut oil 27gm
Akaline water half a teaspoon
Cake flour 100gm

Mixed liquid above three first.  Impossible to mix syrup with the rest because it is very thick.  But it is fine not thoroughly mixed.

Mix flour on counter top with liquid in the middle and work from outside, till it becomes a dough.

Put it away in fridge overnite, or at least 4 hours to relax.

Use ready made red bean mixture $32. -------> taste perfect, slightly on the sweet side.

Get salty egg yolk ready by steaming them for 15 minutes beforehand.

It takes a long time to carefully wrap each into a 15-gm crust.

Pre-heat oven, bake at 200 deg C for 5 minutes, take them out to apply a layer of thin egg wash, put them back, and bake at 180 deg C for further 5 minutes, totalling 10 minutes.

Let the moon cakes sit for 2/3 days to allow oil to come back to the crust and look shiny.

-  crust too thin. try 3:7 ratio next time
-  crust a little sticky
-  taste better after fridged
-  overall, if crust is drier would look more professional


2018年2月22日 星期四


1. 帶皮豬腩肉 淨重540克﹙片走底層硬肉計。豬腩肉選帶有肥肉,不要太瘦﹚
2. 蒜頭 3粒﹙去衣拍扁﹚
3. 乾葱 3個﹙切厚片﹚
4. 南薑 55克﹙切粗片,每面幾下﹚
5. 香茅 1粗支﹙拍扁後斜切度﹚
6. 指天椒 2隻﹙斜切,如嗜辣,可多加2、3隻﹚
7. 老薑 1厚片
8. 紹酒 1湯匙﹙灒酒用﹚
9. 紹酒 3湯匙﹙燜豬肉用﹚
10. 老抽 1茶匙
11. 冰糖碎 1 1/2茶匙
12. 鹽 1/4 茶匙
13. 越南60度魚露 3湯匙
14. 芥花籽油 1 1/2 湯匙
15. 滾水 1 1/2 量杯(燜豬肉用)

1. 豬肉最好早兩三日前購買,放入冰箱令豬肉放鬆-------> 沒有跟
2. 豬腩肉切走底下較硬瘦肉,汆水2分鐘,沖水洗淨,瀝乾。
3. 香茅切去底部半公分,用刀拍鬆幾下,切長段。
4. 豬腩肉切塊,約3公分乘3公分。
5. 燒熱鑊,放1 1/2 湯匙芥花籽油,中火爆香蒜頭、乾葱、辣椒、香茅、薑及南薑2分鐘,灒酒。
6. 注入2杯滾水、糖及鹽,蓋上蓋,中小火煮5分鐘。
7. 中火燒熱一隻中型煲,放入1茶匙油。油熱時放入豬腩肉,整齊排好,不要翻動,煎1 1/2分鐘至微黃,反轉煎另一邊至微黃。
8. 倒入魚露,半分鐘後,倒入南薑香茅水、紹酒、老抽,滾後蓋上蓋,轉中小火燜40分鐘至豬肉差不多軟身,熄火,焗兩小時或最好隔日。
9. 夾走香茅、南薑,翻熱後可以上菜。

買了$83黑毛豬, 但非常肥, 煎的時候出了很多油. 下回挑較多肉的五花腩.  代了一天後才吃, 非常好味道.