2013年4月27日 星期六

咖哩牛肉包; 义燒包

330 gm T55
50% poolish
20% sugar ------ down to 15% should be ok
1.5% salt
10% butter
70% water (of which 50% of milk)

Made 11, each 56gm

baked 1st batch of chasiu bun at 190 deg C, for 15 minutes, but oven obviously is not hot enough, the bun came out pale in colour, with patches of even brownish.  Extended baking time for another 5 min.  Taste is good, look is not.

2nd batch of curry beef bun at 200 deg C, for 15 minutes.  This batch turned out to be the best in colour.  Brownish colour, even.

Last batch, curry beef bun, at 200 deg C, for 15 minutes.  Oven turned out to be very hot after continusouly run for over 1.5 hours.  Dark brownish.  A little over in colour.  Taste is very good though.

To improve:
- try sugar down
- try pre-heat over for 1.5 hours before baking
- no need to brush eggwash or butter on bun before/after baking.
- kneading time was significantly longer; perhaps because of the added sugar.

