2022年3月23日 星期三

Chicken tikka masala



- prepare chicken leg pieces, six, seasoned with salt

- then mix them with tikka / masala powder / some yogurt / garlic ginger paste in a plastic bag and put away in fridge overnite.


- red onion, chopped into dices

- tomatoes, three, chopped into chucks

- whole corriander, some

Spices and herbs

dry stuff - cinnamon / cardamon / corriander seeds / bay leaves / green chili - put aside

powder stuff - masala / turmeric / giner garlic paste / cumin


- bake chicken pieces in 180 deg oven and baked for 25 minutes when meat is just tender and juicy

- hot a pan with oil, put all dry stuff, except bay leaves/chili - to let favours bloom; seive all spices into a cotton filter bag

- cook onion in spice-flavoured oil, till caramelized

- hot another pot with oil, put into it all powder spices till aroma come out, put into it ginger garlic paste till aroma released, pour in all tomatoes chucks, spices in the cotton bag, fresh corriandar, and add some hot water to cook for a while till all favours comes out

- add in yogurt, salt and honey to balance favour

- use a blender to blend the tomato mixture before put into it the chicken chunks

