2023年10月19日 星期四

roasted tomato soup

  1. riped tomatos, cut into wedges, with skin on
  2. crushed garlic / chopped onion
  3. salt and pepper / basil leaves / a touch of spice with a dried chilli
  4. a touch of balsama vinegar
  5. fresh cream

  • - in the chopped onion and garlic, sauteed for a few minutes till soft
  • - in the tomatos and sauteed for a while, in the dried chilli
  • - salt, and sugar, then a touch of balsama vinegar
  • - put the tray or bowl into the preheated oven at 180 deg, for 20 / 25 minutes
  • - when done, take it out, add veggie stock or chicken stock and cook to boil
  • - blend till smooth
  • - stir in some cream
  • - lastly before killing the heat, put into it the basil leave, season to taste
Note:  better skinned the tomato before cooking beco after blending, still get small pces of tomato skin in the soup.

2023年10月17日 星期二

Pumpkin soup; and Roasted Pumpkin


1/2 of a Japanese pumpkin, half used as ROASTED PUMPKIN, the other half used as PUMPKIN SOUP


- pre-heat oven t 180 deg C

- bake the entire half in a baking tray, together with whole garlic, halfed, drizzled with olive oil, for 45 minutes or so

- gut of pumpkin put into a small pot with water; boil for 10 minute to use as soup base

- take out the tray when done; smash the softened pumpkin flesh, sparing the skin (adding some salt and is ready to eat

- sautee diced onion and crushed garlic with oil in a separate pot, adding pumpkin flesh, and lastly some shredded parmesan cheese

- soon will smell the aroma of the cheese, and adding soup base + veggie stock or chicken stock

- cook till boil, season it, adding cream, and blend it till smooth.

- taste delicious; next time try veggie stock as a base.


-  prepare marinate by mixing honey (maple syrup is used in orgiinal recipt), olive oil, crushed rosemary, crushed garlic, salt and pepper

-  cut the pumpkin into wedges, keep the skin on

-  put away all pumpkin slices into the marinate and keep it for 24 hours before bake

2023年6月14日 星期三


6 月中天氣極濕熱, 上月中新冠癒後, 喉嚨一直不順, 疲倦又不想動, 濕氣太重, 參考芳姐食譜煮以食療看是否 work :


將材料浸洗, 8碗水煮2小時成4 碗即成

2023年5月26日 星期五



因家有兩年前留下的糭葉咸水草, 所以前天決定玩玩包糉子.  買/備了以下:

  •  一斤糯米, 洗淨, 浸水過夜
  • 配半斤開邊綠豆, 同樣浸過夜
  • 五花腩, 但貪平宜, 買了不太靚的. 下次要買有肥肉靚的, 醃好, 放過夜
  • 葉子跟草用水浸過, 再用沸水煮過
  • 咸蛋王備好
  • 金華火腿片用沸水飛水去鹽
  • 蝦米用水浸水備用

^^  綠豆可多20%
^^  鹽分量因放火腿減了. 下回綠豆同樣2%
^^  蝦米可省, 沒有添加味道
^^  金華火腿很香
^^  豬肉要夠肥

-  較淡口
-  沒往年好吃; 包得較大隻, 共8 隻因只有8 份咸蛋王
-  金華火腿是精點
-  蝦米可略
-  下回還是包小的
-  鹽味可較重少少


最近為什經常中伏?!  先是榴槤, 以為 TP 品牌一定沒錯,怎料居然買了個放在雪柜後, 零釋出香味的.  哈!  

然後是今天, 探完媽後就想著去大成街市買海鮮什麼的, 一路想著東星,  ok 看中了一條, 檔說是野的, 剩下兩條, 賣2百, 我買一條 $128, 他只收了$120..... 回家後蒸7分鐘出來, 味道木然.  怪不得. .. 

下回買東西打醒十二分精神, 免再次被搵笨.  

(1)  泰式咖哩青班塊 - 好好味

Green curry paste:

->  any green chili - where green colour comes from; next time buy big green chili
->thai green spur pepper - small ones - where the heat comes from, take away some of the seeds
-> shallot - chopped
-> garlic - chopped
-> lemon grass - sliced - i used one
-> kaffir lime - take away the stalk
-> coriander root sliced
-> coriander seed - roasted
-> cumin - roasted
-> black pepper or white pepper - roasted
-> nutmet - i did not put for i cannot find it
-> salt - pinch
-> shrimpt paste - important
-> tarmeric powder - did not put for i cannot find it

^ best to use a stone mortar to grind, but I do have one, hence I used a blender which is less desired, but still do the job

^^ heat the pan on low heat, pour small amt of coconut milk and keep stirring, adding bit by bit more milk and heat till it boils and oil separated and aroma comes out

^^ then put into the green chili paste and keep stirring, aroma released, pour into just enough amount of water, not to dilute the favour, then put into meat and veggie etc 

^^ lastly fish stock and coconut sugar to favour, and before shutting off heat, basil leaves

^^ beautifully done; and taste awesome.

(2)  炒絲蒜泥豆鼓辣椒蒸青班塊

(3) 清蒸東星班

2023年1月23日 星期一


- 筍蝦半斤 $20 買回來清洗後泡清水/每天換水/共四天左右

- 豬五花腩一條連片

- 南乳/花生醬/chilli (這次用了南乳+义燒醬

- 爆炒蒜薑香料, 跟著爆炒南乳

- 讚酒, 下筍蝦爆炒一會, 加入义燒醬

- 下豬腩肉切片連皮

- 加水, 煮滾, 轉小火, 煮一小時左右就可

- 放入雪柜數天更入味

2023年1月8日 星期日


買了大地魚兩條, 比較小, 油份不太豐.

160度左右焗了10分鐘+, 有香味釋放, 拿出, 放涼



NOTES:  剩下的魚/骨等用來做了湯, 加入清水, salt, white pepper, 放了蘿蔔, 煮淋, 最後加 parsley, 中芹. 好味

2023年1月7日 星期六


-  牛筋飛水去污

-  燒熱油 , 落薑蔥爆香

-  落牛筋

-  下調味 (soya sauce, dark soya sauce, sugar and wine)

-  最後上湯+chili

-  煮兩小時或至剛好