2023年5月26日 星期五


最近為什經常中伏?!  先是榴槤, 以為 TP 品牌一定沒錯,怎料居然買了個放在雪柜後, 零釋出香味的.  哈!  

然後是今天, 探完媽後就想著去大成街市買海鮮什麼的, 一路想著東星,  ok 看中了一條, 檔說是野的, 剩下兩條, 賣2百, 我買一條 $128, 他只收了$120..... 回家後蒸7分鐘出來, 味道木然.  怪不得. .. 

下回買東西打醒十二分精神, 免再次被搵笨.  

(1)  泰式咖哩青班塊 - 好好味

Green curry paste:

->  any green chili - where green colour comes from; next time buy big green chili
->thai green spur pepper - small ones - where the heat comes from, take away some of the seeds
-> shallot - chopped
-> garlic - chopped
-> lemon grass - sliced - i used one
-> kaffir lime - take away the stalk
-> coriander root sliced
-> coriander seed - roasted
-> cumin - roasted
-> black pepper or white pepper - roasted
-> nutmet - i did not put for i cannot find it
-> salt - pinch
-> shrimpt paste - important
-> tarmeric powder - did not put for i cannot find it

^ best to use a stone mortar to grind, but I do have one, hence I used a blender which is less desired, but still do the job

^^ heat the pan on low heat, pour small amt of coconut milk and keep stirring, adding bit by bit more milk and heat till it boils and oil separated and aroma comes out

^^ then put into the green chili paste and keep stirring, aroma released, pour into just enough amount of water, not to dilute the favour, then put into meat and veggie etc 

^^ lastly fish stock and coconut sugar to favour, and before shutting off heat, basil leaves

^^ beautifully done; and taste awesome.

(2)  炒絲蒜泥豆鼓辣椒蒸青班塊

(3) 清蒸東星班

