三色車厘茄 約2-3盒
金不換或羅勒 1小束
蒜頭 2瓣
百里香 少許
初榨橄欖油 適量
鹽 少許
黑胡椒 少許
1. 車厘茄清洗乾淨後,先取一半來做油漬番茄。番茄放入焗盤內,撒上鹽、黑胡椒及百里香,然後加入橄欖油拌勻。接着放入切片的蒜頭、切成絲的金不換。
2. 放入焗爐以200℃焗20分鐘即可,取出後放涼備用。
3. 餘下的車厘茄先移除椗部,然後全部橫切一半。接着加入切碎的蒜頭及切絲的金不換,再加黑胡椒、鹽調味。接着把油漬番茄裏的蒜片倒入新鮮車厘茄上,再加入橄欖油,輕力拌勻。
4. 把新鮮車厘茄及油漬車厘茄混合上碟,最後再撒上金不換絲作裝飾即可。
Rainbow Cherry Tomato Salad
Rainbow cherry tomatoes 2-3 boxes
Thai sweet basil or basil 1 small bunch
Garlic 2 cloves
Thyme little
Virgin olive oil some
Salt little
Black pepper little
1. Rinse cherry tomatoes, take half for roasting. Place them in baking tray, sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme, drizzle with olive oil, mix well. Add sliced garlic and shredded basil.
2. Roast in oven at 200℃ for 20 minutes, set aside to cool off.
3. Remove stems of the remaining tomatoes, half horizontally. Add minced garlic and shredded basil, season with salt and pepper. Add the roasted garlic slices from baking tray, add olive oil, mix gently.
4. Mix fresh and roasted tomatoes, bring to a plate, garnish with shredded basil and serve.