2020年12月19日 星期六

Eddy Leung's christmas menu - 2 of 4 - 栗子忌廉湯


去殼栗子 15-20顆
乾葱 2顆
大蒜 2條
西芹 2-3條
清水 約1,000毫升
淡忌廉 約150毫升
百里香 適量
鹽 少許
胡椒粉 少許
橄欖油 少許

1. 栗子放入焗爐裏,以200℃焗20分鐘,然後把衣去掉備用。
2. 大蒜只要尾部,切絲;西芹切粒;乾葱切片,備用。
3. 燒熱鍋下牛油,先炒乾葱、大蒜及西芹,炒至香氣出轉中火,把材料炒至腍身,然後下清水,開大火滾起,再加入百里香。
4. 轉中火,放入栗子及忌廉,湯滾起後轉細火慢煮熬一會至栗子腍身。
5. 轉回中火,把香草拿掉,然後把數顆栗子取出,切碎備用。這時就可以用手提攪拌機把栗子打成茸。
6. 加入鹽及胡椒粉調味,在碗裏放上切碎的栗子,倒入湯,最後在湯面澆一圈橄欖油即可。

Creamy Chestnut Soup

Chestnuts 15-20 pcs, shelled
Shallot 2 pcs
Leek 2 stalks
Celery 2-3 stalks
Water 1,000ml
Single cream 150ml
Thyme some
Salt little
Black pepper little
Olive oil little

1. Roast chestnuts in oven at 200℃ for 20 minutes, remove skin and set aside.
2. Discard top, green part of leek, finely shred the lower white part; dice celery; slice shallot.
3. Melt butter in skillet, sauté shallot, leek and celery until fragrant, turn to medium heat, continue sautéing until ingredients soften, pour water in, bring to a boil in high heat, add thyme.
4. Turn to medium heat, add chestnuts and cream, bring to a boil then turn to low heat, cook until chestnuts soften.
5. Turn to medium heat, remove thyme sprigs, take a few chestnuts out mince chop coarsely, set aside. Blitz the rest of the ingredients with a hand blender.
6. Season with salt and pepper. Place chopped chestnut in bowls, pour soup in, drizzle with olive oil, serve.

