法國春雞 2隻
虎皮雞樅菌 1小盒
迷你急凍番薯 適量
百里香 1束
迷迭香 1束
牛油 110克
鹽 適量
黑胡椒 適量
糖 2湯匙
栗子 約6-8粒
水 適量
日本燒汁 2-3湯匙
叉燒醬 1茶匙
1. 春雞先用火槍把雞毛燒掉,然後清洗乾淨,再用廚房紙把水索乾。
2. 把迷迭香及百里香切碎,牛油用火槍燒數秒至稍為溶化,把香草,少許鹽及黑胡椒與牛油拌勻成香草牛油。
3. 把雞翼及尾部切掉,然後下鹽、黑胡椒,再抹上香草牛油,內外都要抹勻,然後放入焗爐以160℃焗15分鐘,再轉200℃焗5分鐘至雞皮變脆。
4. 燒熱鍋下糖,把糖煮成金黃色的焦糖,然後加入栗子及牛油,離火拌勻。接着加入少許水或雞湯,加少許鹽,細火燴數分鐘至熟。
5. 燒熱鍋下牛油,迷迭香及百里草煮勻,然後把雞下鑊,把牛油淋在雞上成脆面,雞先盛起,起出雞髀及雞胸備用,牛油汁留起備用。
6. 燒熱鑊下橄欖油,爆香1瓣蒜頭,加入虎皮雞樅菌炒香,下鹽及黑胡椒調味,倒入焗雞釋出的雞汁,加入番薯炒勻。接着下少許牛油及栗子連汁一起倒入。下日本燒汁,加少許迷迭香。慢火燴數分鐘,即可上碟鋪到碟上。
7. 將剛剛煎雞的牛油汁,取出香草,下少許水及一茶匙叉燒醬煮勻,把春雞放入汁裏,細火煮數分鐘。取出,用火槍把雞皮輕輕燒至脆皮。
8. 春雞上碟,把餘下的汁醬全部淋在春雞上即可。
Roasted Coquelet
French coquelet 2 pcs
Termite mushroom 1 box, small
Frozen mini sweet potato some
Thyme 1 sprig
Rosemary 1 sprig
Garlic 1 clove
Butter 110g
Salt some
Black pepper some
Sugar 2 tbsp
Chestnut 6-8 pcs
Water some
Teriyaki sauce 2-3 tbsp
BBQ pork sauce 1 tsp
1. Remove remaining hair on coquelet with blowtorch, rinse and blot dry with kitchen towel.
2. Chop thyme and rosemary. Melt butter slightly with blowtorch for a few seconds, mix in the herbs and a little salt and pepper to create a herb butter.
3. Cut wings and tails off the coquelets, add salt and pepper, rub herb butter inside and out, roast in oven at 160℃ for 15 minutes, then turn up to 200℃ for 5 minutes until skin becomes crispy.
4. In a heated skillet, add sugar, cook until caramelised, then add chestnuts and butter, remove from heat, mix well. Add in a little water or chicken stock, season with salt, simmer for a few minutes.
5. Melt butter in skillet, add rosemary and thyme, then add coquelets, douse them with melted butter, transfer the coquelets to a plate, carve out the breasts and thighs, set aside; save the butter sauce in a bowl.
6. Heat olive oil in a skillet, sauté one clove of garlic, add termite mushrooms, sauté till fragrant, season with salt and pepper, tip coquelet juice in the baking tray left from roasting, mix in sweet potato. Add a little butter and the chestnut caramel sauce. Add teriyaki sauce and a little rosemary. Simmer in low heat for a few minutes, transfer to serving plate.
7. Remove herb sprigs from the butter sauce left from pan frying coquelets, add a little water and a teaspoon of BBQ pork sauce, mix well, tip coquelets into the sauce, simmer for a few minutes. Remove the coquelets, use a blowtorch to crisp the skin.
8. Transfer the coquelets to the serving plate, pour over with remaining sauce, serve.