2009年12月25日 星期五

lemon curd

Recipe adapted from Joe Pastry :

Ingredients (in bracket 3/4 portion):
egg yolks :  4 (3)
sugar :  142 gm (107 gm)
lemon juice :  92 gm (70 gm)
soft butter : 57 gm (43 gm)
lemon zest : 2 teaspoons
pinch of salt

add 142 gm of sugar to egg yolks and mix well
add lemon juice, pinch of salt to the egg mixture and mix well
add soft butter to the mixture
heat it (or use double boiler) until it reaches 91 deg C **
sift it through before adding lemon zest

** I cannot cook it to this temperature before it looks ready already. Read from another's writing that when 1st bubble appears, it should be ready; or test it by drawing a line at back of a spoon

My lemon curd is a little overcooked;
hence looks thick and especially so when freezed.
Otherwise, it tastes excellent with an after-taste of lemon in my mouth.
Spread on toast, add into yoghurt,
or fold into whipped cream as lemon mouse


-  Made a patch today, and it is 11 years after !!!! since I wrote the above note. My God !!  What have I done in these 11 years?  Not much ?!

-  Today's patch I heated it direct over the stove, until it is thick, and perhaps overcooked!  

-  Apart from a little thick than desired, it tastes wonderful, and now in the fridge.  Made a desert cup, and one yohgart small glass.

2009年10月27日 星期二


共做了 9 個,各 50 克,份量大約如下 :

poolish sponge .......... 200 gm
麵粉 ............ 100 gm
牛油 .......... 10%
水 .......... 55%
糖 .......... ~12%
奶粉 ......... 1 tbsp
酵母 .......... 1 tbsp
蛋 1 隻


叉燒切細粒 100 克 ,洋蔥半個切粒
下汁料 :

包好餡料,靜置 45 至 1 小時,掃蛋汁,
入爐,190度焗 15 分鐘

2009年10月19日 星期一


茄子去皮,切件,蒸 10 分鐘至熟, 放涼

準備醬汁 :


2009年10月17日 星期六


peanut butter oatmeal cookies

Made some years ago. Followed this recipe:

oatmeal .......... 100 gm
peanut butter .......... 85 gm
butter .......... 85 gm
sugar .......... 55 gm
brown sugar .......... 50 gm
salt .......... 1/4 tsp
egg ..........one
cake flour .......... 60 gm
baking powder .......... 1/2 tsp
milk .......... 1-1/3 tbsp
bake at 180 deg C for 9 min

cheese chiffon cake

Made some years ago.
With a light touch of salt and black pepper, it tastes very good and special.

coconut buns

My favourite. Do it all the times but mostly in form of toast lately.

bread flour .......... 300 gm
sugar .......... 50 gm
egg ......... 1/2
milk powder .......... 1 tbsp
butter .......... 30 gm
water .......... ca. 55 %
instant yeast ............ 1 tbsp

Coconut paste:
coconut shred .......... 75 gm
sugar .......... 50 gm
butter ......... 35 gm
egg .......... 1/2
mixed them together

Apply a layer of egg wash on the dough before spreading the coconut paste onto it, so that it sticks. Roll it up. Also applies a layer of egg wash on top of the loaf before sending it to the oven. Bread loaf baked at 180 deg C for 45 min. Taste wonderful when toasted. Love it

Marble Cookies

Made some years ago. Followed the below recipe, which works perfectly well. Pinch of salt is key.

butter ........... 125 gm
salt .......... a pinch
sugar .......... 60 gm
egg yolk .......... one
milk .......... 1 tsp

2/3 of the above mixture into the original dough:
cake flour ........... 130 gm
baking powder .......... 1/3 tsp

1/3 of the above butter mixture into the coco dough:
cake flour ..........55 gm
coco powder .......... 10 gm
baking powder .......... 1/4 tsp

Freeze the doughs for ca. 3 hours before working. Bring them out when ready. Break the coco dough into smaller bits; mixed them together with the original dough and shape it into a roll of ca. 4cm dia.

Wrap the roll up with a plastic wrap, twist it carefully to achieve the beautiful swirling effect. Mind you, the plastic wrap may break after your twisting.

Put it away in the fridge for abt 30 min or so before cutting it into pieces for baking, at 180 deg C, for 12 min or until golden brown. Taste wonderful. Use the best coco powder which makes a huge difference.

2009年6月13日 星期六

Pizza Napoletana (Pain a l'Ancienne method for dough)

Wanting to finish off the bit of flour left, 230 gm is used. Pain a l'Ancienne recipe for the dough, with 70% hydration, instead of 80. Icy cold water is used, and dough is retarded in the fridge for 24+ hours. Dough is quite wet, and can't be tossed at all. Made 2 pizza. Try 100 gm each next time to make a thinner crust. Cooked tomato paste, clams, herb and 2 cheese are used (mozzarella and gouda mild). Preheat oven to as hot as it goes at 250 deg C and bake for 5 min, turn around 180 deg, and bake for another 5 to 10 min. Taste excellent.

bread flour .......... 100
salt .......... 2%
instant yeast ......... 0.7%
icy cold water ......... 80% in original recipe, but I use 70% (also used 75% which works very well)

2009年6月1日 星期一


Tasted best of the 3 batches. Fermentation was exceedingly long. Poolish prepared 2pm on Saturday passed it peak on Sunday morning 8am ! Dough was retared for a couple of hours before final proofing as I had to go out for yoga class. But it ended up a very tasty bread, of all I made so far.
recipe, adapted from Joe Pastry

bread flour ............ 225 gm
starter or poolish ............... 225 gm
yeast ............... 1/8 tsp
salt ............... 1 tsp
olive oil ............... 28 gm
honey .................... 1/2 tb sp
water ............... 96 gm

70% hydration; preheated oven to 250 deg C; lowered to 220 deg C, baked for 10 min; turned the baking tray 180 deg, lowered to 180 deg C, and baked for another 10 min

2009年5月16日 星期六

raisin toast (sponge method)

Beautifully baked. It was put away in the fridge for a while before final proofing as I had to go out. It ended up rising not as much as usual or expected.
recipe, adapted from Godocook:
bread flour .......... 150 g
cake flour .......... 150 g
+ + + + +
sponge dough .......... 170 g
yeast .......... 2 tsp
+ + + + +
main dough .......... 130 g
egg .......... 1/2 egg (25 g)
sugar .......... 36 g
salt .......... 6 g
butter .......... 36 g